Tuesday 11 April 2017

Make a Eggless Chocolate Cake Using a Pressure Cooker


  • 1 cup (140 grams) all purpose flour / Maida
  • 1/4 cup (60ml) oil
  • 1/3 cup (43 grams) sugar
  • 3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 3/4 cup (180 ml) hot water
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • Eggless Chocolate Cake

  1. Image titled Make a Cake Using a Pressure Cooker Step 11
    Combine the oil, sugar, water, and vanilla essence in a big bowl. Mix the ingredients until the sugar is completely dissolved[8].
  2. Image titled Make a Cake Using a Pressure Cooker Step 12
    Sift your dry ingredients into the mixture of wet ingredients. Place a sifter over the bowl with the sugar, water, oil, and vanilla essence. Take a spoon and gently mix the all-purpose flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, and baking soda. Then, sift the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients[9].
  3. Image titled Make a Cake Using a Pressure Cooker Step 13

    Beat the mixture well. Once you've sifted the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients, combine the mixture well by beating it or stirring it.
  4. Image titled Make a Cake Using a Pressure Cooker Step 14
    Preheat the pressure cooker. Place your pressure cooker over medium heat, and wait for about 5 minutes.
  5. Image titled Make a Cake Using a Pressure Cooker Step 15
    Grease the smaller tin. Take a little butter or oil, and grease the cooking tin for the cake[10].
    • Most pressure cookers come with two cooking tins.
  6. Image titled Make a Cake Using a Pressure Cooker Step 16
    Pour a little lemon juice on top of the cake batter. Mix the batter and juice.
    • The lemon juice reacts with the baking soda, allowing the cake to dry well.
  7. Image titled Make a Cake Using a Pressure Cooker Step 17
    Pour the batter into the greased tin. Once the cake batter is in the tin, tap the sides of the tin to eliminate air bubbles.
  8. Image titled Make a Cake Using a Pressure Cooker Step 18
    Place the non-greased tin into the pressure cooker first. Then, place the tin with the cake batter on top of the first tin. Cover your pressure cooker. Bake the cake over medium heat for the first 5 minutes.
  9. Image titled Make a Cake Using a Pressure Cooker Step 19
    Continue cooking the cake for 35 minutes. Move the heat setting from medium to medium-low (for example, from setting 5 to setting 3), and cook the cake for 35 minutes[11].
    • Insert a toothpick into the cake to make sure it's fully cooked. If the toothpick comes out dry, the cake is ready. If the toothpick is wet, cook the cake for another 5 minutes then test again.
  10. Image titled Make a Cake Using a Pressure Cooker Step 20
    Turn off the heat after 35 minutes. Then, let your cake stand in the pressure cooker for about 5 minutes.
  11. Image titled Make a Cake Using a Pressure Cooker Step 21
    Remove the cake from the pressure cooker. After 5 minutes remove the cake from the pressure cooker, and let it stand for about 10 minutes to cool.
  12. Image titled Make a Cake Using a Pressure Cooker Step 22
    Take out the cake. Finally, take your cake out of its tin, and place it onto a plate. Pour a little powdered sugar over the cake, and cut into slices. Enjoy!

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